þriðjudagur, 24. mars 2015

Vintage bakkar og dósir ...

Í pósti dagsins felst ákveðin nostalgía. Hver man ekki eftir gamaldags dósum og bökkum! Ég er hrædd um að gömlu kökudunkunum hennar mömmu hafi verið hent. Algjör synd :(
Ég fann myndirnar hér fyrir neðan á Pinterest ...

Vintage Tray & Canister

pretty old tin

Shabby Vintage Trays - Ooooo have lots of these - been wondering what to do with them..,.

Who says you can't have your silver out every day to enjoy? This sweet tray holds a beautiful assortment of vintage silver, silverplate, and glass on display and in use in the kitchen.

Thyme in antique silver footed bowl. I can almost smell the lovely aroma filling the room.

Mint green vintage sugar canister

the tins

button tin

vintage tins..


Playing with Tin


pastel colored tins

Queen Elizabeth 11 coronation Bushells tea tin

Flottar í barnaherbergið ;)

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